
21 January 2011

Insanity And Genius

"The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success."-Bruce Feirstein-

“There is no great genius without some touch of madness.”-Seneca-

Best example for the two quotes above: Albert Einstein

Zodiac Killer vs. Jack The Ripper

Two Psychopathic Killers or Maybe Genius Killers. Who is the greatest serial killer in history?

Fast Facts
Jack The Ripper
United Kingdom
Victims: Typically female prostitutes
Weapon: Knife

Zodiac Killer
United States
Victims: Male and female
Weapon: Knife and Gun

Both are psychopaths who enjoy playing cat and mouse games with the police. They maybe psychopaths but they are also smart. They left cryptic messages and letters to taunt the police. It’s like “Come and catch me if you can. Hahahaha!!!”

Till today, both of them were never caught and identity remains unknown. Jack The Ripper is better known commercially with many movies and books written on him/her. I use the word “her” because Jack The Ripper may be a woman. There is no evidence that shows The Ripper is a man. It is mainly assumption because the victims are female.

I am of the opinion that Zodiac Killer is the greatest serial killer in history. He committed his crime when forensic science is more advanced compared with 1888. Jack The Ripper may not escape from justice if the crimes are committed in 1968. DNA testing could send Jack The Ripper to his/her death.

Zodiac Killer case is still open till now but just like Jack The Ripper, the killer will never be caught. If police can’t catch Zodiac then, it’s virtually impossible after 42 years.

Below is one of Zodiac’s letters to taunt the police.

18 January 2011

New Zodiac Signs

There is buzz lately on discovery of a new zodiac sign. Therefore, there are 13 zodiac signs instead of 12. With this new entry, the date of existing twelve zodiac signs changed.

Aries The Ram
Taurus The Bull
Gemini The Twins
Cancer The Crab
Leo The Lion
Libra The Weighing Scales
Virgo The Virgin
Scorpio The Scorpion
Sagittarius The Archer
Capricorn The Goat
Aquarius The Water Bearer
Pisces The Fish

The 13th zodiac – New Zodiac Sign

The entire 12 zodiacs have symbols such as Aries The Ram. What is the best symbol to represent Ophiuchus?

There are people thought 13th is bad and unlucky number. Friday the 13th and Judas the 13th Disciple/Apostle are two well-known scenarios related with the number 13.

How about Ophiuchus The Omen?

16 January 2011

Protect Yourself Online

Online shopping and banking are growing every year. It brings a lot of convenience and time saving to consumers. We can pay our numerous bills at single mouse click and it’s done. Voila!

You can find stylish apparel from Korea (or other countries) and buy it without even leaving your bedroom. Just how convenience is that!

As usual, there are two sides of a coin. There are two version of a story for every situation. With good things, there are bad things.

Identity thief.

This is bad side comes with convenience of online shopping and banking.
Identity thief is a serious problem and your bank savings can disappear with a single mouse click.

To make matters even worse, you could end up with huge debt out of nowhere. The identity thief can purchase things with your stolen credit card. It will make your life a living hell when bank statement arrives at your doorstep.

How to protect yourself?

Always check the site has ‘s’ at the end of http. (Https = Secure, Http = Not Secure)

Always check the lock icon and the site is encrypted.

Always be alert of phishing websites and emails

Never enter any sensitive information on un-secure network connection and public places with Wi-Fi connectivity. Just don’t do it.

By practicing all the four pre-cautions above, your chance of becoming a victim is much lower.

14 January 2011

Something About Me

Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.

-Dale Carnegie-

I studied marketing in my college days. It was not love at first sight but I soon learnt to love it as time goes.

Before I can blow off the 22 candles on my birthday cake, I was thrown out into the employment world. From here onwards, it is a roller coaster ride. It is like a young sexy woman gives me a smooch and his boyfriend punched me soon after.

Looking back, it has almost been 5 years where I breathe and live in employment world. The first lesson I learnt - studying is completely different from working. I was surprised and shocked with the truth of this working life but I managed adapt to it.

Marketing. The first chapter is defintion of Marketing. I know I had enroll into a troublesome study when I find out there is no one single definite definition of marketing. Every marketing guru, authors and body of marketing have their own set of definition. I keep my finger crossed that I can graduate from my study at that time.

But, there is one definition I like best. It is from Maxx Barry, author of the novel SYRUP.
It is hilarious, unpredictable and highly entertaining fiction with marketing as the background of the story. The following excerpt is from SYRUP.

mktg: a definition

Marketing (or mktg, which is what you write when you’re taking lecture notes at 200 words per minute) is the biggest industry in the world, and it’s invisible. It’s the planet’s largest religion, but the billions who worship it don’t know it. It’s vast, insidious and completely corrupt.

Marketing is like LA. It’s like a gorgeous, brainless model in LA. A gorgeous, brainless model on cocaine having sex drinking Perrier in LA. That’s the best way I know how to describe it.

He rocks, isn't it. I highly recommend this book for everyone and especially all the aspiring marketers out there. Go grab this SYRUP from your nearest bookstores to show your support for Maxx Barry. His official website is

12 January 2011

What Is Your 1st Collectibles?

I don’t know about yours but mine is a coin. It is an old coin. It depicts the face of Bapa Kemerdekaan Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj. The face value is MYR5 and minted on 1971.

I obtained it from my grandma together with a bunch of old coins. This coin stands out from the rest, as it’s the biggest and heaviest. It baffles me how Malaysian of 70’s era carried this coin for daily use. You can hurt people by throwing this coin at them. Yes, I’m serious.

Let us talk a little history here.

Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj is known as Bapa Kemerdekaan Malaysia when he successfully led a delegation to seek independence from British. Tun Sambathan and Tun Tan Cheng Lock were also part of the delegation. On 31st August 1957, Tunku famously declared “Merdeka” seven times in Stadium Merdeka.

He is first Prime Minister of Malaysia, a position he holds from 1957 until 1970. In 1990, Tunku Abdul Rahman passed away at the ripe old age of 90. The wake day was declared a public holiday as a mark of respect for Tunku’s contributions to his beloved country, Malaysia.

The writer writes this article based on vague memory of his history lesson. It’s definitely not 100% accurate and reliable. What else do you expect from a guy who failed his history subject.

Survival Becomes More Expensive

It’s still early of the year but it’s better to plan early rather than last minute rush.

Tax. Income tax. The dateline is 3 months from now. For 2010, the individual relief for “Self And Dependent” increases RM1000 to RM9000. Well, it’s better than RM8000.

The cost of living is getting expensive, no thanks to inflation. According to Bank Negara Malaysia, the inflation rate in Nov’10 is 2.0%. I’m not economist, statistician or banker but an ordinary layman.

From my understanding of math calculation, 2% means 2 cents increase for RM1 items, 4 cents increase for RM2 items and so on. But then, how come a bowl of laksa costs me 8% more than before?

Service tax is 6% effective from Jan 2011. 1% increment may seem small for one time transaction but when add up together, it’s definitely not small amount. You’re paying 10 cent extra for RM10 food each time!!! There is a good solution for this case. Well, we can go eat at places where service tax is not applicable.

But then again, isn’t hawker food prices keep on increasing like my bowl of laksa.

A bowl of laksa (Big serving) plus water = RM6.00
McDonald McValue Lunch = RM6.30 after service tax added

It’s just a matter of time before my laksa costs more than fillet-o-fish

On top of that, income tax is icing on the top. The more you make, the more of it going to government. The current system doesn’t leave much room to move around.

The question is, “How to keep more money inside your pocket?”

Talk to your employers to change part of your basic salary as travelling allowance. Below is an example,

Ms. A works for Company B as administrator and her basic salary is RM3,000. Thus, she has a taxable income of RM32,040 after EPF deduction.

If changes made to her paid status with RM2,800 as basic salary and RM200 as traveling allowance. Her taxable income will be RM29,640 after EPF deduction.

This means, pay less tax

Applicable to Assessment Year 2008 - 2010
If you receive travelling allowance, up to RM2,400 for your travels from home to office is tax-free. Further, travelling allowance of up to RM6,000 for official duties is tax-exempt.