
16 January 2011

Protect Yourself Online

Online shopping and banking are growing every year. It brings a lot of convenience and time saving to consumers. We can pay our numerous bills at single mouse click and it’s done. Voila!

You can find stylish apparel from Korea (or other countries) and buy it without even leaving your bedroom. Just how convenience is that!

As usual, there are two sides of a coin. There are two version of a story for every situation. With good things, there are bad things.

Identity thief.

This is bad side comes with convenience of online shopping and banking.
Identity thief is a serious problem and your bank savings can disappear with a single mouse click.

To make matters even worse, you could end up with huge debt out of nowhere. The identity thief can purchase things with your stolen credit card. It will make your life a living hell when bank statement arrives at your doorstep.

How to protect yourself?

Always check the site has ‘s’ at the end of http. (Https = Secure, Http = Not Secure)

Always check the lock icon and the site is encrypted.

Always be alert of phishing websites and emails

Never enter any sensitive information on un-secure network connection and public places with Wi-Fi connectivity. Just don’t do it.

By practicing all the four pre-cautions above, your chance of becoming a victim is much lower.